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Awaken &, "TV with Purpose," serves as a powerful platform that brings forth illumination on everyday issues and historical movements. The aim is to generate solutions, raise awareness, and ignite transformative change. Creator Amanda Joan Quimper aka "Amanda Joan of Heart" draws inspiration from her Mother and a divine vision she received from God following a prayer, which has fueled her profound mission to make a difference and save lives.

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"Amanda Joan Of Heart"

The Documentary

Amanda Joan of Heart is based on the true life story of Amanda Joan Quimper, "The Maiden of Lorain". In this heartfelt documentary Amanda shares her spiritual experiences, tribulations and awakenings with the World. Her mission and vision of bringing "Television with a Higher Purpose" unites hearts of many in this incredible journey which goes beyond what most would believe is possible but is happening right now throughout this earth, humanity and the universe. Enjoy this autobiography intertwined with Joan of Arc quotes as she relives some of her dynamic adventures, finding new ways to change and save lives.

"Amanda Joan of Heart" Documentary
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"Amanda Joan Of Heart"


Hold onto these Words (All bible verses) by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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~All Bible Verses~

My True Story of Overcoming Addiction "Dear God"/ by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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~My True Story of Overcoming Opiate Addiction~ 

Suicide Awareness "Robin Williams"/ by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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 Suicide Awareness "Robin Willams"

It Starts with YOU & ME/ by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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~Awakening Humanity & The Pineal Gland~


TREASON by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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5G Awareness "Humpty Dumpty"/ by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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5G Awareness

Rat-ta-tat-tat #Q/Anon/ by: "Amanda Joan of Heart" Poetry
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Q/Anon "The Plan to Save the World" ?

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